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Wild West Days Sponsorships


The Zimmerman Community Club annually hosts Wild West Days.

This is a special event held every Memorial Day weekend in Zimmerman. 

We are looking for sponsors to help with the costs of the event for our community because without the help from you, it would not be possible! 

This is a great way to advertise your business to a large attendance from surrounding communities during multiple fun filled days. 

Please complete the sponsorship form and payment to be included in this year's announcements.​​​

Thank you! We look forward to partnering with you for our upcoming Wild West Days weekend!

Car and Bike show Kim pic.jpg
Show flyer 2024.png

With being a sponsor there are many great benefits you can receive:

  • Your company name listed on THANK YOU banners posted around the fairgrounds and during the parade. (car show sponsors will be separate)

  • ​​​​Company name and logo posted on the Wild West Days Facebook page.

  • Company name listed on for 1 year. (April 1st-April 1st)

  • Company logo and website link listed on for 1 year (April 1st-April 1st) ($1000+ sponsorship)

  • Complimentary parade entry. (Parade position is determined on sponsorship level)

  • Company banners or signs displayed at sponsored event. (Bands, bingo, pedal pull, chalk art, special parade entries)

  • Receive 2 unlimited ride wristbands for Monday ($500+ sponsorship)

  • Receive 4 unlimited ride wristbands for Monday ($1000+ sponsorship)

  • Logo displayed on lighted billboard on 169 in Zimmerman ($1000+ sponsorship)

  • Vendor space at the mercantile. Friday 4-8pm, Sat. 10am-8pm & Sun. 10am-8pm ($1000+ sponsorship)


Car & Bike Show Sponsorship Benefits: 

  • Vendor space at the car & bike show. Sun. 10am-3pm ($500 sponsorship)

  • Complimentary parade entry ($250+ sponsorship)(Parade position is determined on sponsorship level)

  • All car & bike show sponsors will have their logo on car show t-shirts

  • All car & bike show sponsors will have their company logo on car & bike show flyers

  • All car & bike show sponsors will receive 1 complimentary t-shirt & 1 car show entry ($100-$250 sponsorships) & 2 car show entries ($500 sponsorships)

  • Company logo printed on sponsors choice award and the option to pick a participant winner at the show ($500 sponsorship)

  • Car show sponsors listed on THANK YOU banner displayed at the car show

*American Express not accepted*

If your choice is unavailable, the sponsorship has been claimed. Please pick another event to sponsor. THANK YOU!

You will receive an email receipt that can serve as your donation receipt for tax purposes. Zimmerman Community Club Tax ID: 84-4248245

Questions: Kim: 763-350-5045

By signing up as a Wild West Days Sponsor, you are agreeing to the following:


  • Sponsors assume all responsibility for corporate logo approvals. ZCC will make our best attempt to conform to your logo display guidelines. ZCC is not liable for any logo nonconformity issues.


  • Product or promotional items require pre-event written approval from ZCC. No electrical or utility services will be available or allowed. Booth location is determined by ZCC and given to the sponsor before the event starts. All sponsors will be responsible for set up and security of their booth and all contents.

Wild West Days is operated by the Zimmerman Community Club (ZCC)

Mission: Supporting activities which enhance the well-being of the larger community

Please Note:

Due to the overwhelming NEGATIVE response and comments from Wild West Days festival attendees, there will be ABSOLUTELY NO SOLICITING. This includes religious handouts/flyers, sports, club or school activity fund raising coupon books, raffle tickets or asking for donations. Your attendance, and participation at Wild West Days events are deemed ‘at your own risk’ and anyone attending or taking part in the event must use good judgment, obey all laws, and take reasonable care to avoid any injury to their person or property. The Zimmerman Community Club, staff, sponsors, or affiliates can not be held liable for any accidents that you are involved in at the City Park or adjacent City Streets used by the event. The Club reserves the right to eject any participant who does not comply with Minnesota law or requirements of the event. Refunds for any reason will be at the discretion of the Club. You give the Zimmerman Community Club authorization to use and post any photographs, video recordings, or any other record of our events, including full names of any participants, before during or after the event for promotional use, reporting to the media and to publish on our internet sites. You will not be entitled to any compensation for the use of your name or image. While we have put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the virus we can not guarantee that attendees will not become infected. All attendees will comply with state guidelines to reduce the spread of the virus while attending all Wild West Day events.

ZCC new logo 2022.JPG

All photographs © copyrighted Zimmerman Today.  Used here only with permission.  If you want to use these photos, ask permission.

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